Love For All

A red-heart tainted the middle of the black flag that hung across the Prim Centre’s tallest building. However, the only thing that the now-unstructured-rows of passers-by seemed to see were the odd characters written in white across the flag. A loud siren broke their gaze as gasps emitted from several mouths. The crowd dispersed in different directions, pushing and shoving each other out of the way.

She pushed against the swarm of people rushing past her. Her mind was set on reaching the flag before they did. The gleam in her eye radiated hope she couldn’t contain. When she reached the building she slammed herself against the back door, prying it open. The concrete stairs were chipped off and with every step she took one would begin to crumble into rubble. As she reached the roof of the building, she saw her brother standing still.

The creak of the door made him turn, facing his sister. She reached out her hand towards his as she spoke, “We have to go before they show up.” He turned back towards the skyline of his hometown. He could see black hefty trucks headed their way. How could a small town like Lubbock, Texas, turn into an oppressor’s paradise? “Come on,” she yelled.

They rushed down the flight of stairs slowing down every now and then to slide or jump off the broken steps. As they exited the building, they caught a glimpse of the black trucks at the edge of the centre blocking off their escape. He hadn’t thought this far ahead. The only thing on his mind was to tag the building to keep the movement alive. He felt his sister tug his sleeve directing him back towards the building. She ran ahead of him, halting in the middle of the pavement to lift a sewer drain cover. He watched his sister disappear into the opening, leaving him looking after her in disgust. With a last gulp of fresh air, he jumped after her, pulling the cover closed.

He pulled his shoes off, refusing to keep walking with dirty water soaking his feet after they were away from danger. He peeled his socks off and stuck his feet into the stream near the movement’s base. His sister did the same as she sat next to him. “Why did you do it?” she questioned. He began to move the loose silt with his fingers, trying to avoid her gaze. “You could’ve been caught, and then…well, then I wouldn’t-” she shivered. He looked at her trying to figure her out. “Don’t you want me to be involved in the movement?” he directed at her. She nodded and mumbled, “But not like this. I want you to be safe.” He gathered his shoes and socks and stood up. “I did it for you. I wanted you to be proud.”

As they walked into their hidden base, the others cheered at their arrival. He looked at the posters hung around the building, with bright colors displaying TRUMP 2016. They were torn or had arrows piercing the paper. The movement was to overthrow their current president. Their country was now under an oppressor, leaving minorities, or anyone who didn’t fit the mold nor follow the rules to hide. There was others like them in other states, but the numbers were decreasing quickly due to lack of food or loss of life during combat. They had been under the radar since the last incident. A lot of members of the movement were lined up in the centre to be executed for disobeying their ruler and then they were shot. But, now was the time for everyone to come together, it was time to wave the flag.
Article: love for all