‘Catching Fire:’ The Odds are Always In Your Favor

Smoothly directed, Catching Fire turns out to be a thrilling sequel to The Hunger Games

Image by Amrin Madhani

Smoothly directed, Catching Fire turns out to be a thrilling sequel to The Hunger Games

Smart, smoothly directed and enriched with a deeper exploration of the franchise’s thought-provoking themes, Catching Fire proves a thoroughly compelling second installment in the Hunger Games series. In other words, it was amazing.
Before the harsh judges begin to give their verdict, know that the plot remained largely similar to the the book, except for some minor details here and there. Catching Fire delivers on the grim, roiling promises of the original book and picks up right where the first one ends. Not once was it the least bit disappointing. This follow-up to the 2011 hit represents commendable storytelling that should please the book’s fans.
What was stunning about the movie was that the violence was not merely physical, but existential. Far from having won her freedom, as promised, Katniss is now imprisoned in a false public narrative-supporter of the Capitol, lover of Peeta, from which she may never escape. Even after she was held Victor, alongside Peeta, a year later they were once again thrown into the gladiator-like Quarter Quell.
Catching Fire gives the watcher the chills and keeps them on edge through the entire movie, even if you’ve read the book or not. Unpredictable yet utterly dependable, thrilling yet stoic, Katniss Everdeen is a force of nature on screen, and a role that Jennifer Lawrence appears born to play.
Catching Fire is so much fun and does such a great job mounting the drama of the series’ increasingly engrossing story. The film just makes you want more.