Lost Memories

I close my eyes and I think back to way back when

I can clearly see all of my elementary school.

The kids shrieking during recess to get turns on the slide

“Ouch” says one kid as the other one pushes him off so he could get a turn on the swings.

As for me, well, I was the girl that no one would talk to because I looked too scared.

One day came Jim-in.

She talked to me, I talked to her, we just started talking.

Before we knew it, we would do everything together.

Day after day we would sit together and just talk and laugh till our tummies ached.

We became best friends.

The end of the year came creeping upon us before we knew it.

Summer came…

We said our goodbyes and that we would see each other next year.

Next year came, I waited for her where we would always play for recess.

She never came. Day after day I would wait for her there… She never showed.

Out of the blue I got a letter from her.

She apologized for not being there but her family had moved back to Korea.

I was just in shock, I was young I thought we would be friends “forever.”

Years went by and I still wonder what could have been if she hadn’t moved.

I wonder if she remembers her childhood like I remember our childhood.

It ponders through my mind if she is doing well in Korea and if she likes it.

I wonder if she even remembers me.