What a Sweet Death

Hurry, hurry, hurry was on my mind as I ran through the streets.

In front of me was a little abandoned shop. Making sure no cars were driving by I dashed across the street, which aggravated the swarm in my bag. The soft subtle buzz became enraged which was followed by little bumps on the sides of the bag; frustrated by the stingings on my thigh I threw my head backwards and screamed.

Realizing the mistake I made I quickly looked around to make sure no one had caught my fit; after I was in the clear I scrambled into the shop and slammed the door behind me.

Looking down at my wristwatch it read 3 o’clock, perfect timing. I scavenged the little shop and found a body suit, helmet, and a hammer; after squeezing into the suit and putting on the helmet I went to my bag and grabbed the swarm. The beehive was buzzing with the anticipation running through my veins. I looked down at the golden nugget in my hands with the same look a father would look at his newborn baby, that is of course if he planned on devouring it.

I carefully placed the beehive in the middle of a table, grabbed the hammer; lifted it up; and, oh boy, it’s happening, I’m going to do it this is it-


No way no sir, there was no stopping me! I thought; I then quickly brought my arm down with all of the force as I could muster. The hammer collided with the hive at the exact same time a bullet ripped through me, falling to the floor I looked for the sweetness I had died to get. It never came.