Room 999

I heard some very loud noise coming from upstairs, I thought the noise would end in five minutes but it actually took an hour and a half, my family and I didn’t know whose room it was coming from so we made a complaint to the manager of the motel.

The manager went to go check it out but he said he couldn’t hear anything so we all kind of figure out that noise was over for the rest of the night. My family and I went back to our room and five minutes later the noise started again and every second it got louder and louder so we went upstairs to see what was making that very loud noise. We started putting our ears against the old and rusty cold door to listen where the noise was coming from we checked all the doors and still couldnt figure out which apartment the noise were coming from.

On our way back downstairs we saw a set of stairs leading to the attic it was pretty dark so we grabbed some flashlights and on our way up the sound got louder and louder, when we finally reach to the top there was a door which was room number 999 the noise was coming from that room but we all started freaking out because the manager told us earlier that no one lived in that room. My family and I opened the door because it was unlolck and when we went inside all the furnitures were at the top of the celing and they were all moving around banging on the walls.

We rushed to our room and packed our belongings and told the manager that we are leaving because this motel is haunted, he tried convincing us to stay but we were too terrified to stay we told him he could keep the money so we left with no return. Who knew ghosts were real?