The Nature of Unnatural Circumstances

The scene itself was unnatural. A raven perched atop a gravestone, while a snake dug its burrow into a nearby grave.

“There’s something up.” Robert cocked his gun, aiming at the raven.

“Of course there is, Robert.” Chase stated matter-of-factly. “We are in a graveyard hiding behind your dead grandf-”

“Quiet.” Robert shushed. “Get down.” Robert set his finger on the trigger and applied pressure. It clicked but there was no reaction. Robert glanced up at the raven and the snake, whom didn’t seem to notice anything odd.

“How in the world…” Robert spun the empty barrel of the revolver. He swore he had just placed bullets in each of the holes. Robert placed a single bullet into the barrel, snapping it shut. He turned back to the gravesite, aiming his gun at the raven, but something was wrong.

“Where did those people come from?” Robert asked Chase, who was playing with grass.

“Who?” Chase spun around, his mouth taking the form of a perfect “O”.

Robert lowered his gun as the man, who had manifested where the snake previously borrowed, spun in his direction.

“We better get going. It’s late.” The man said to a black-headed girl who sat perched atop the gravestone.

“Why are you avoiding my questions?” The girl asked the man. She didn’t budge. Robert took aim.

“Catherine.” The man seemed uneasy. “Can’t we talk about this some other time?”

“No, Brent. We can’t-”

The firing of the gun halted all conversation. A slight breeze brushed past Robert as he peeked over the gravestone. The two were gone. Chase had seemed to disappear as well.

The scene itself was unnatural. A lone boy hiding behind the grave of his dead grandfather, clutching a gun for his dear life.