The Big Move

My mother is sitting on the couch across from me when I hear her question, “How would you feel about moving sweetheart?” She smiles at me, I’m about to answer her when I feel a small shake along the floor, and our lights started to flicker.

“We have to go! Grab what you can then leave the house!” My mother screamed frantically as she ran about the house grabbing a suitcase while thrusting different necessities into it.

My brother and I looked around, everything was at ease, until the lights flickered off and the rumble of an explosion shook the house. With widened eyes my brother leaped off the couch and into his bedroom with me following in suit.

Looking around my room, seeing my too big bed too big dresser too big bookshelf- my books! I grabbed my duffle bag and started stuffing it with my most worn in books, my teddy bear immediately following and filling the bag.

Rounding the corner to my living room; I find my front door has been busted in and debris is spewing through my house. In between my coughing fits I call out for my mother, my brother, anybody really.

“Cometh here young one!” A deep voice booms from the front door, shaking the walls. “I will not hurt thee, just come forth and let me see you.”

I tentatively walked into the front corridor, one hand against the wall and the other silently searching the debris for some sort of weapon.

Stopping a yard away from the door I saw a large figure resembling a man in many ways, his face however was longer than normal with triangular eyes beaming bright purple. Gasping I fell backwards and screamed, trying to convince myself that my eyes were playing tricks on myself and that there was in fact nobody there, that I had just made it all up in order to feel less alone. Taking in a deep gulp of breath I reopened my eyes only to see the man standing closer to myself.

Before I start to scream or faint or cry of all of the above, he begins to sing.

“Hush small person do not cry..I er-do not really know the words to this song. It involves some type of small flying bird, and me bribing you with jewelry. Small person? Are you okay small person? Please do not fear me, I wish to help you.” He finishes in a off pitch octave, smiling at me for approval. “Good song yes young one?” He asks me.

“I don’t know what you want,” I mumbled, “I just want to find my family…did you see them?” I looked up at him, my eyes begging him to answer my question.

His face contorts as he tries to decide what to tell me, just as he goes to open his mouth I felt a subtle shaking on my arm.

“Rebecca, wake up sweetie” My mother sweetly soothes me out of unconsciousness, “You totally fell asleep! So, how would you feel about moving sweetheart?” She smiles at me, in the background however I felt the small shake along the floor, and our lights started to flicker.