ASL teacher Karie Smart
“My favorite fall movie is Hocus Pocus, the original reminds me of my childhood” Smart said. “The new one is so funny and lives up to the hype.”

Counselor Brandon Tate
“I really like It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. My parents and I used to watch it every year when I was in elementary school,” Tate said “My parents also used to call me Charlie Brown,the movie and characters remind me of my family and all the small joys we shared. It also helps me remember my dad, who passed away in 2021.”

History teacher Taylor Adams
“Picking just one is so hard because this is my favorite time of year and I love movies,” Adams said. “However, if I have to pick just one that always makes me feel the spooky fall time vibes it’s Sleepy Hollow with Johnny Depp and Cristina Ricci. Sleepy Hollow, Hocus Pocus, and Practical Magic all have a similar feeling to them. They give both spooky and cozy fall vibes, fully encompassing the best parts of this time of year. My mom introduced me to these movies when I was a kid, Halloween was always a huge event in my house!”

Ceramics teacher Angela Reiswig
“I like a good thriller, as far as Creepy movies go, I like Seven,” Reiswig said. “Morgan Freeman is one of my favorite actors. I found it when I was going through his movies. Thriller, serial killer, who dunnit, it’s a great movie!”

History teacher Todd Carpenter
“I like Dead Poets Society, I like that it is school focused and that Robin WIlliams’ character is a non-traditional type teacher like me,” Carpenter said. “It came out in 1989 when I was seven years old. I have no clue how I was introduced to it, but I do remember wishing I had a teacher like him. I can still see [the ‘O captain, my captain’] scene in my head and it has been influential in the teacher that I have tried to become. To be able to identify and connect that strongly with students is something we should all strive for.”

English teacher Casey McGowen
“I really enjoy Halloween movies so I have a few favorites that I watch around this time,” McGowen said. “Halloween Town, Hocus Pocus and Practical Magic are my favorites. Hocus Pocus and Halloween Town were on the Disney Channel and they always had marathons of Halloween movies leading up to Halloween. Practical Magic is a movie that I don’t believe I saw until college even though it’s older than the others but quickly became a staple in my fall lineup.”