Comic club was founded by now senior Simran Amin and has been a McNeil club for almost two years now, meeting every other Thursday after school. The club meets in club sponsor and art teacher Nathan Dinh’s room.
“The club is very social, it’s a lot of just drawing and chit-chatting,” Dinh said. “They talk about shared interests or talk about a comic they’re making.”
Senior co-presidents Simran Amin and Roshni Soundharrajan help run the meetings by presenting slideshows and leading discussions about comics and projects.
“We have a slideshow where we just talk about different topics in comics,” Amin said. “It’s an open club, so you just talk about your interests or projects.”
While most of the club is dedicated to students working on their own personal work, members can still work together and be inspired throughout the club.
“We share designs or stories we are writing about,” Amin said. “The club is a great way to share ideas in a different medium.”