Alexander Hamilton

This bastard orphan and son of a whore was on his way to big success. He was going to America! The place where anything could happen!

Hamilton being a child of the Caribbean’s didn’t know what to think of sea travel, he had always been more of a land man.

He headed for the docks at 7 a.m. Getting there at 7:30, he didn’t live far from the docks. He grabbed his bags out of the taxi he was in and paid the man driving the taxi a generous amount of money for a 30 minute drive. The taxi driver begged him to keep the extra money he gave him, “please sir I can’t take all this” the taxi driver said.

Hamilton responded with the words “my good sir, please keep the money. I am headed to New York City! In American! And in New York City I am going to take my shot to be the man I’ve always wanted to be. You know what they say, in New York City you can be a new man.”

Hamilton said this running to catch his boat screaming to the heavens! “NOT THROWING AWAY MY SHOT!”