The debate team has attended three tournaments and have advanced debaters at each one.“I am extremely proud of these students,” Debate coach Josh Aguilar said..These students are trying to qualify for the TFA State tournament in March, which requires gaining 12 TFA points by advancing or being one of the top debaters at a tournament.
Debate students have 15 more meets to qualify for TFA.
The latest results are:
Public Forum Debate:
Kunal Singh/Vihan Siraf (3rd place): 4/12 points
Bryce Pennell (recognized tournament top speaker)/Garrett Telfer: 2/12 points
Hamza Ghani/Carlos Acosta: 2/12 points
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Lincoln-Douglas Debate:
Kendra Blaney (advanced at each tournament attended): 2/12 points
Hamza Ghani (3rd place): 4/12 points