Driving down 620, there is obviously construction going on; roads being built and even new homes. The road projects are centered around O’Connor Drive: the extension of O’Connor Drive, improvements on Great Oaks Drive and O’Connor Drive at the intersections with RM 620and an interchange at SH 45 and O’Connor Drive. Each project has it’s own expected completion date and required work.
The extension of O’Connor Drive is a 1.4 mile road long, with four lanes, running from 620 to SH 45 with a bridge over Lake Creek. This project was to have begun in spring 2011 and be completed in spring 2012, but unfortunately, this is not the case.
The improvements on Great Oaks Drive and O’Connor Drive are often going on, with paving of lanes and closing lanes to make the improvements. Sections of lanes have been paved, smoothing the road. The improvements were meant to be finished in summer 2011, but took longer and were finished in fall/winter 2012.
For the interchange at SH 45 and O’Connor Drive there will be access into and out of McNeil Road, with a non-tolled frontage road and tolled access to SH 45. The interchange is to be finished spring or summer of 2013. Some of the road is completed and open, but not all the way to SH 45.
“These projects are intended to improve safety for residents, businesses, several nearby schools and Round Rock High School; relieve congestion on RM 620; and improve operations in the area,” a Williamson County official said.
The improvements are also for improving traffic situations with schools and neighborhoods, including Cedar Valley Middle School, McNeil High School and other nearby places.
The O’Connor Drive extension and Great Oaks Drive and O’Connor Drive intersection improvements are in one construction contract for $5.7 million, paid for by voter-approved road bonds. For the O’Connor Drive/SH 45 interchange it will cost $35-40 million, $7.5 million from the voter-approved road bonds and the rest from Texas Department of Transportation.