Anatomy and Physiology classes performed their first dissections of the year on chicken wings on Jan 25. Their current unit focuses on muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments, which they observed in the chicken wings.
“Since I’m vegetarian seeing and touching meat and seeing how it felt, I was definitely really shocked,” junior Ayush Chapagai said.
Both anatomy classes have been studying muscles and joints as part of their new unit this semester.
“I didn’t even know a lot of stuff about the chicken wing,” Chapagai said. “Like how when we used the tendon, it moved, and it was really interesting to just see a chicken move that way.”
Different students had different takeaways from the dissection.
“I learned how similar chicken wings are to human arms,” senior Allison Terrell said.
The dissection was a hands-on experience to teach the students about muscles and joints.
“I totally like hands-on activities,” Terrell said. “It’s way more fun and inclusive of everyone in the class.”
Students were also able to observe tendons and ligaments during the dissection.
“Learning the difference between tendons and ligaments and then seeing it in person was really shocking,” Chapagai said.
Anatomy and Physiology classes have more dissections planned for the rest of the semester.
“I am looking forward to doing more dissections this semester,” Terrell said. “Especially bigger dissections of bigger mammals and cooler things.”