When getting in a car accident, it’s important to stay calm and get the information you need. The risk of car crashes is much higher in teenagers than any other age group and it’s important to know how to handle them.
If the accident was not your fault, you need to call the police as soon as the accident happens. If the accident’s damage to both cars is minimal, call 411, the less emergent emergency response number and if the accident’s damage is severe, call 911, the more emergent emergency response number. The police will give you details on how to handle your specific accident.
A few universal things to do when in an accident is to pull over to a safe location. Get out of the car and talk to the other person involved. Take photos of your car, their car, and their insurance. Make sure the photo of their car includes their license plate. If the accident was their fault, they shouldn’t need a picture of your insurance, because you would be the one filing the claim. The photo of their insurance needs to include their policy number and full name. It’s also a good idea to share contact information with each other.
If the is damage to your car is a result of someone else causing the accident, it’s important to make the insurance claim quickly. If your car is damaged enough that it will need to be sent to the shop or replaced, it’s important to file the insurance claim so that process can begin.