Summer vacations mean a lot to kids of all ages all around the world, from kids in elementary school to high school. The thought of not having this break from the stress and pressures of school is unthinkable to some but a reality for others.
Most schools in the United States work on the typical schedule of nine months of school and three months off for summer vacation. However, there are schools that do not have three months of summer vacation but rather have periodic two-week breaks throughout the year. Both school plans have approximately the same number of school days and breaks, but the breaks are spaced out in the alternative schedule.
A schedule that goes year round seems like it would be less effective than the ordinary school year schedule. Some people might say that because students don’t have as much time away from school, they don’t lose as much knowledge as students on a three month vacation might. However, if students are kept at school all year long without an extended break, they would probably get fed up with school much more quickly and mentally “check out.” Summer allows students to take a good break and return refreshed for the next year.
In taking away summer vacation, schools take away much more than just a chance to sleep in. Summer is the time of year when students have the opportunity to get a job and save up money. If school goes year-round, it’s much harder for students to maintain a job and school work at the same time and sometimes students really need those jobs for financial reasons. In addition to jobs, summer is when many families are available to go on vacation. With only two weeks available at a time, visiting family and new places could be limited. Take away family vacation, and that takes away a family’s prime time for bonding.
Another major flaw in the year-round plan is that it has not necessarily been proven to make students smarter. A study in Ohio showed that students’ results on reading and math tests improved the same amount for both students in year-round school and nine-month school. Students do retain more information in a year-round schedule but are not necessarily more intelligent.
With other prominent countries promising intelligent future generations, I understand education officials’ desire to keep students closer to school. At the same time, taking away summer vacation would almost be an infringement on human rights. Adolescent years are supposed to be the best years of our life, but that can’t be so with kids trapped at school being forced to do nothing but school work all year long.
I’m very thankful that our school year is the length that it is and that we get to enjoy summer break as free and careless kids. At least as long as you finish your summer reading assignments early.