Most guys can be broken up into five categories: hobby guy, practical guy, gadget guy, sentimental guy and sports guy.
A hobby guy has specific interests that the gift-givers should focus on. The specific gift to focus on should be about his hobby – what he likes and is passionate about. For example, if he’s into nature, then camping gear could be a great gift. REI or Academy Sports and Outdoors both have great camping gifts. If he is a big gamer, then an Oculus would be perfect, but they are pretty expensive. Gaming gift cards or video game memorabilia can be found on Amazon or at GameStop.
A practical guy doesn’t usually shop often. He enjoys the simple things in life and doesn’t need a lot to be happy. His lifestyle is uncomplicated and he is usually pretty easygoing. Since he’s not a shopper, he will appreciate things he needs like nice sneakers, cool T-shirts and/or leather goods like a wallet or jacket. Hot Topic, Spencers and Kohl’s have unique and fun t-shirts. People can also buy leather goods for a decent price at Kohl’s. If looking for sneakers, try the Outlet Mall — Nike or Adidas.
A gadget guy is up to date on all the latest gadgets and technology. He would appreciate a smartwatch, but that’s pretty expensive. A cool watch band is a great idea, or maybe a nice Alexa or Google Home device. There’s also some cool charger stands out there that could make a great gift. Everyone always could use an extra pair of headphones, and if looking for a really big gift, try a new phone. Best Buy or an electronics store has a large variety of phones, but the best deals often are online.
A sentimental guy values memories and spending time with a person and making those memories. They appreciate gestures — big or small. They would appreciate a photo in a frame or keychain. Or maybe a hand-painted mug or craft. Something unique just for him. Etsy is a great way to find unique gifts. If money is tight, a sweet letter will go a long way with a sentimental guy, or even a coupon book — with special things like hugs or time for a walk.
A sports guy will have a team that he is loyal to. Sports memorabilia like signed pictures or cards of their favorite player are great gifts. The best place to get sports memorabilia is online. Lakeline Mall has a store called Collectors Crossroads that offers a lot of variety. Tickets to a game where their favorite team is playing would win his heart. Tickets can be bought at Seatgeek, Ticketmaster or StubHub. But beware of steep fees for those sites. If it’s possible to buy the tickets directly from the venue, it will save some money.