ASVAB Testing Coming Up

Image by Specialist Laura Stephens

The U.S. Army Birthday Run included an infantry regiment.

ASVAB registrations are now open and taking place Oct. 13 and Feb. 11. The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a multiple choice test for anyone interested in a career in the military. Students interested in applying who are not taking the PSAT/NMSQT, may register here. The ASVAB covers reading, writing, basic algebra, general science and auto mechanicals, among other subjects. The ASVAB determines which military branch, occupational specialties (MOS) or jobs applicants are eligible for. 


The minimum eligibility score for the US Army is a 31. If an applicant scores lower than 31, they must retake the ASVAB. The test can be retaken as many times as one please to do so, as long as the applicant is still enrolled in high school. After high school, there are cool down periods for each re-test. The most recent test score will be used during the application process. 


If interested in learning more about the ASVAB or have any questions, contact your counselor or local US Army recruiter.