Round Rock Out Digs Lady Mavs

Image by Rebecca Mitchell

In honor of Dig for a Cure Round Rock and McNeil donated the proceeds to the Susan C. Brown fund. Making the best out of the game, Rebecca Latham gets ready for a kill.

On Friday night, the Lady Mavs played against the Round Rock Lady Dragons. The game celebrated the second year of Dig for a Cure. Both teams dedicated the game to Susan C. Brown and donated the proceeds from the game to the Susan C. Brown Memorial Scholarship.

Throughout the first set, the Lady Mavs were digging hard for the win. They ended up with the ball in the rafters and saved it through teamwork. The game was tied at three points of the game – 11-11, 20-20, and 24-24. Tying the game just before the last point made for an anxious crowd, but the girls ended up winning.

The Lady Mavs continued to push through the second set, winning by a few points through most of the game. In a crazy moment, all the players on the team tried to get the ball up, unfortunately they failed. While in another effort to get the ball over the net, Megan Unrath slid on the floor, coming close to achieving the effort. Despite their efforts, the Lady Mavs lost at the last moment.

After losing the second set, the Lady Mavs seemed to have lost some of their push to win. The girls still encouraged one another, players dove for the ball, and Rebecca Latham made several kills. But, again, their efforts were simply not enough.

The Lady Mavs play their last game of the season against Westwood Friday at 6:30 p.m. in our home gym.