Head coach of boys varsity soccer Wesley Kidd broke his 500 career win the weekend of Jan. 11. Kidd met this milestone after 39 years of coaching and 40 years of teaching against San Antonio Reagan in a pre-season game.
Kidd has been head coach now for about eight years and said he came into this program with a solid foundation due to the previous coach, Justin Sharock; since then he’s helped build the program on top of that.
“This wasn’t a personal goal of mine when I got into this business, it was never I wanted to achieve 100, 200, 500 wins, it wasn’t anything like that,” Kidd said. “Through the years, I’ve been blessed with some good players so we’ve had success, I don’t base things on my personal achievements.”
Kidd said that he’s always been in this for the players, but because breaking records is a big achievement he’ll remind the players “Hey this is 499.”
“When we played San Antonio Reagan coach told us that it would be his 500th win,” senior William Balfour said. “And that gave us that extra boost to play extra hard to get him to that milestone.”
Kidd said that his ultimate goal for his players is the enjoyment of the game.
“I wanna treat each kid with respect but also when they go out onto the field, go out to practice, and even in the locker room before the games I want them to enjoy their time,” Kidd said. “Which hopefully creates a good team atmosphere and momentum.”
Kidd said that he’s in this for his players’ achievements, because at the end of the day it’s about them and who they’re going to become.
“I never want it to be about me,” Kidd said. “It’s been about the kids and the players and trying to help them become better people.”