Does Diet Coke Really Help Your Diet?

Coke Zero isnt helpful for diet.

Coke Zero isn’t helpful for diet.

Even though Diet Coke is little bit watery than Coca Cola, it is still popular among people because of its advantage of zero calories. Coke Zero and Diet Coke aren’t the only zero-calorie sodas, but they are popular for people who are on diets. However, is it really helpful for your diet? Zero-calorie soft drinks are still sweet.

Coke Zero,which became popularized for having zero-calories, actually isn’t zero calories. According to the Food Sanitation Act, if drinks contain fewer than five calories per 100 mL, they can be marked as having zero calories. Technically, Coke Zero contains more than zero calories.

Furthermore, Coke Zero doesn’t contain sugar to sweeten the drink, but it still contains Aspartame or Acesulfame which are artificial sweeteners. The advantage of these sweeteners is that they have low calories, however they have side effects. When humans intake sugar, they feel full. But artificial sweeteners don’t satisfy completely.Therefore, people end up drinking more Diet Coke than they should.

Also, the ingredient, Aspartame is controversial due to its alleged harmful effects on the human body. Even though it is not fully proven yet, some scientists say that when people intake Aspartame, it decomposes as methanol and phenylalanine, which are toxic materials. Because Aspartame is not a natural sugar, consumers should be more careful of how much they drink.

Therefore, I strongly prefer taking tea or water. Teas, such as green tea or barley tea, are good for blood circulation and fatigue recovery.