Tips for Studying and Taking Tests

Junior Alexis Miller studies for her Spanish test by looking over all the vocabulary for the chapter.

Junior Alexis Miller studies for her Spanish test by looking over all the vocabulary for the chapter.

We spend 13 years of our lives between kindergarten and grade 12. In those 13 years we need to learn, remember, memorize, take a test, and repeat. Within those repeated steps, over the 13 years, they never teach us how to study or how to take tests.

All this is about to change. After interviewing a few of the teachers at this school I have come up with a few tips for studying and taking tests.


Alice Snow, math teacher:

Tips for studying? Have outlined notes with all of the formulas you need, maybe even with examples worked out. Have the homework done, so you can always go back and look at it. Go to tutoring. Get a study group, two brains are better than one.

Things you should not do while studying? Don’t multi-task, meaning texting, watching TV, playing games.

Tips for tests? If you don’t know how to do a problem skip it and come back to it if you have time.

Words of advice? Don’t panic.


Lindsey Phillips, social studies teacher:

Tips for studying? Look over your notes. Do the review (it helps). Predict what questions might be on the test, if the teacher spent a lot of time on a topic there will most likely be questions over that. Study in daylight. Find a place where you always study, at your desk, at the kitchen table.

Things you should not do while studying? Don’t study on your bed, your brain will think it’s time to sleep. Don’t put it off, do it right when you get home.

Tips for tests? Illiminate any wrong answers. Skip the questions you don’t know. Think about what the test maker would want you to answer.

Words of advice? Make sure you eat. Chewing gum or having a mint can help with the nerves.


Barbara Naylor, Spanish teacher:

Tips for studying? Be organized. Have all your materials in front of you. Be focused.

Things you should not do while studying? Don’t be distracted by your phone.

Tips for tests? Be prepared. Answer what you know first, to build your confidence, then go back.

Words of advice? Be consistent. Turn your work in on time. Pay attention.


Debbie Palmer, English and intervention teacher:

Tips for studying? Always, always find what works for you. Sitting on the floor, in a chair, outside. “To thine own self be true” – Polonius.

Things you should not do while studying? Don’t allow the world to interfere.

Tips for tests? Drink lots of water. Dress in layers. Don’t cram, if you have been studying the whole time you won’t have to cram.

Words of advice? Remember you are not here for a number. You’re here to learn. You should learn something new every day.