Freeze, They’re Filming Us

People mimic mannequins in latest viral challenge

From the ice bucket challenge to Pokemon Go, different trends dominate the internet. At the moment, social media is swept by the “Mannequin Challenge,” a trend that involves a video of people dramatically staying still in the middle of action. The lack of movement is especially captivating in a society that values efficiency and speed. Via Instagram and Twitter, people compete to create the most outrageous mannequin video.

The Mannequin Challenge was born when Emili, a high school student from Jacksonville, Florida decided to freeze in front of his classroom. His friends dubbed his strange actions as that of a mannequin and joined him, hence the rise of the #mannequinchallenge. Due to the speed of today’s internet, the video of Emili and his friends took social media by storm. Soon, the challenge encompassed videos ranging from everyday activities to the middle of a taekwondo match. Celebrities, like Beyonce and even Hillary Clinton and her campaign crew, took part in this innovative trend.

“I think it’s nice that so many people are able to be still for many seconds,” sophomore Michelle Koh said. “It’s cool how people can use their creativity to make unique videos.”

The challenge motivates teenagers to perform what is arguably art. The more extreme cases, including mannequin challenges of cheerleaders performing a lift, are physically taxing and creative. Another crucial element of the mannequin challenge is the song “Black Beatles.” The new anthem, despite being an old song, has recently hit the top charts. The reason for this particular song is yet unknown, but perhaps the challengers enjoyed the video game like sound of the music.

The McNeil SLACers plan to participate in the mannequin challenge to include all the new clubs that were not represented in the lip dub video.

“Overall, it’s one of the more memorable trends of the year,” Koh said. “I hope that I can participate in one in the future.”