the lessons taught

rain isn’t just science
it is the sky’s way of saying that it
can support the clouds no longer
they want to be the
color of snow again and look softer than
rose petals and cotton candy
they can’t handle the burden
of carrying everyone’s tears and
pain and sorrow
and guilt
not anymore
that even vast things like themselves have

that nothing and no one is flawless

storm isn’t just catastrophe
it is beautiful turmoil
it is an empty canvas slathered with the
lonely colors of black and gray
which no one wants
which no one likes
but they manage to look like a
piece of art anyway,
holding on to nothing
and everything
and each other as they swirl in the

that even the most imperfect of us can find love

bright, brighter, blinding
and in a moment;
loud, louder, deafening
the lightning comes before the thunder in the
omnipresent race of light and sound
but that doesn’t mean that thunder
is slow and inferior and
not good enough
it is rapid, but
less so.

that even the losers are winners

the rain teaches us that
no one is lacking, we are all one and
it’s all a matter of perception

that everyone has a choice

you can choose
to drown in your tears
or you can choose
to dance in the rain.