Blizzard Sights

Nothing could have stopped

The giant winter storm

That came crashing down on me


The skies darkened to warn of snow

Frozen rain came plunging down

And no sun crept through the blanket of clouds


Then the wind came

Loud as elephants stomping on the ground

Flying past the poor car windows


We trudged through the storm to be

With a resolved decision to keep going

Through the giant blizzard


We watched the swirls

Of white wind

Create new shapes


The cold flies past when

the sound of crashes follow

As we descend into darkness

The days after the blizzard passed

All the kids played in the white blanket left in its wake

The skies finally free of clouds


Perfect untouched snow

Gleaming in the sunlight

Sparkling with ice crystals


The blizzard that trapped

And destroyed so much

Still left such a beautiful sight.