Picture This: McNeil Merit

Balfour Yearbooks gives best recognition to 2016 Maverick

The 2016 Maverick yearbook was awarded by the Balfour Yearbook company with the best recognition for its outstanding contribution to scholastic journalism. The yearbook is included in the 31st edition of Yearbook Yearbook.
“Being recognized in this 31st edition of Yearbook Yearbook, your designs, coverage, copy, and photography will serve as examples for staffs across the nation,” Julia Copeland, the Yearbook Yearbook editor said. “It is an extraordinary accomplishment to be celebrated as the best of the best.”
The 2016 yearbooks that were published by Balfour were evaluated by theme development, layout design, photo content, secondary packages, and cover design. The Yearbook Yearbook features 2016 yearbooks and honors fewer than one percent of yearbook staffs with this distinction.
“I love how my students get recognized for the excellent work they do all year, because they do work so hard to produce a yearbook that the students will like,” publications adviser Theresa Proctor said.
In the last 17 years since Proctor has taught at McNeil, the Maverick yearbook has been featured in the Yearbook Yearbook for photography, design or theme development.
“Hopefully it will keep the tradition of excellence going, since this is the third year we’ve been featured as ‘Best of’ in the Yearbook Yearbook,” Proctor said.