Perfect Ending to this Sad Tale


Dolphin Tale 2 is the continued story of Winter, a dolphin who lost its tail, and the rescue aquarium that saved her and continues to look after her. In this heartwarming movie, Winter’s partner, Panama, dies and the aquarium struggles to find her a new mate. There is a law that a dolphin can not be kept without a mate for too long.

When they do find a suitable mate for Winter, they are faced with a moral dilemma because this dolphin is capable of living on her own but they don’t want to lose Winter. Along with this difficult choice, Sawyer, the boy who found Winter, is given a chance to do an internship in Massachusetts. If he takes it, he won’t be able to look after Winter; but if he doesn’t, he misses a great opportunity.

Overall, this movie was great. All of the filming was great, but one sense coloring was off, making it stand out, but not in a good way. Although it was a true story, you didn’t know what was going to happen next; it kept you on your toes. There was one part I thought was unnecessary. It just made the movie drag on and wasn’t needed for the story line.

After the movie, they showed the filming of the real events, which I thought was the perfect way to end this already fantastic movie.