Epic Games has created many viral games including Gears of War, Fall Guys and most importantly, Fortnite. With over 30 million daily users and over 500 million users on Fortnite alone, Epic Games has become one of the most popular gaming companies ever behind Mojang, who created Minecraft. In Aug. of 2018, Fortnite was not only the most popular game at that time, but it was also in its prime with over 78 million users a day.
The battle royale game has the most experienced gamers of all time like Ninja, Nick Eh 30, Dr. Disrespect, Valkyrie, etc. The money their streams have raised for donations/fundraisers is over 144 million dollars. This ranks it in the top five video games to raise the most money in fundraising.
Although the game saw the most success in 2018, the game has made a striking comeback as of Nov. 3, 2023. This is due to the temporary rerelease of the Fortnite OG map. This inspired the original players/streamers to play which ranked up the player count. In Aug., the average daily users were 15 million. Now as of Nov., it has almost tripled in daily users with 44.7 million users. Epic Games has said that the original map will only last till Dec. 2.