
She screams from the pain that surrounds her body

He father hitting her countless times

Blood drips from her mouth, tainting the carpet

Another hit, another cry

‘This is all her fault!’ he screams

She quietly cries to herself

‘This is your punishment, I’m doing what’s best for you.’

He says gently says, stroking her face

She flinches, not being used his kind touch

Another hit, another night full of tears

She aches all over

Even the soft sheets can’t keep the pain away

She lays in silence, no emotion

She’s been threw this so long

That the only thing she feels is pain and fear

But when she’s alone, nothing

Though, on this one night, she feels something else

Anger? No, it’s more than that

Pure hatred, clenching her fist

She hits her bed frame

For once, she liked the fact she was bleeding

Not from him, but for herself and her own pain

Her own Punishment

She finds him in his room

Drunker than an Irish man in a bar

He reeks of vodka and sweat

More hatred builds up when she looks at him

Her hands clench so hard on the bat that her knuckles turn white

‘Daddy?’ she ask for him

He wakes from his slumber, confused

He looks at her, and then the bat she holds up above her head

Fear dwells within his eyes

‘What are you doing, sweetie?’ fear in his voice

‘This is your punishment’ she smiles

She bashes his face into the pillow

Blood covers the room like a blanket, laughter in the air

Another hit, another laugh

After all the nails within the bat are drenched in blood

She stops and catches her breath, huffing and puffing

More laughter echoes in the room

The pain turns to power

The anger turns to relief

The laughter turns to crys

Then nothing

There’s no emotions

No happy family

No love

There never was to begin with.