Gasping, Clawing

I was born here, into a life of stability.

I was born into something I didn’t want, something I didn’t need.

I thirst for adventure, but what I’m left with are the same crumbling curbs,

The same sun who rises at dawn

The same clouds that fumble across the sky


Everything is nothing I want it to be


I need mountain ranges

I need vast oceans

I need waves that crash upon the rocks

I need snow that trickles onto the ground

I need

I need

I need

I need a life, a ruler, a family to call home

I need solitude

I need patience

I need

I need

I need love that doesn’t kill me

I need a friend that stays through the night

I need

I need to thrive


This place offers none; this place offers simplicity and little grace

I need to be alive, for once

I hunger for it everyday

A plane ticket, a new life

Complexity, a challenge, elegance


I need to recreate myself

I need to build myself up from nothing to be something


I need fresh breezes and new ideas

I just need to be in a new place, to be a new me.


Yet here I am, sitting on the same curb, watching the same sunset,

And I wonder if I am the only one whose lips are not kissed

Whose body is not warm

Whose dreams are faded at the edges

And whose needs haven’t been fulfilled.