Road Trek: The Voyage to School

O’Connor Drive extension relieves students’ travel woes


Image by Will Nichols

Newly fashioned sign for O’Connor directs cars.

Due to the unanticipated bankruptcy of Ballenger Construction, the O’Connor project was provisionally postponed. Zachry Construction, a rival firm, assumed responsibility for the O’Connor project, and consequently, resumed work on the road. The results are remarkable.

The project linked O’Connor Drive and Texas 45 N so as to alleviate the substantial volume of traffic that plagued RM 620 on a daily basis. This alleviation of traffic provided drivers with shorter, more efficient and less hectic commutes.

“[The O’Connor road extension] was the best thing that could’ve happened,” senior Madeline Smith said. “It’s super awesome sauce how unproblematic it is.”

So, rather than slog through the congested roads of RM 620, McNeil students can connect straight to Texas 45 through O’Connor.

“The extension was a huge help,” senior Farrukh Botirzoda said. “I use it every day because it’s much faster.”