Volunteers to Help Garden Plants in Courtyard


With help from his friends in Boy Scouts and ROTC, Eagle Scout candidate Ajay Nair built 3 garden beds. These beds will host native species of that will improve the suffering cave ecosystem.

Anyone needing volunteer hours, Green Club needs assistance for their latest project to help plant new plants and shrubbery in the courtyard Dec. 6 from 9-12 p.m.

“Underneath the courtyard, there’s a cave that has an endangered species living in it, called the bone cave harvestman,” AP Environmental Science teacher and sponsor of Green Club Christine Vick said. “We’re going to build a garden with native plants and shrubs so that the soil and the environment in the courtyard can be more suitable for the organisms living underground.”

The Boy Scouts and ROTC students built three garden beds in the courtyard, which will enable Green Club to plant new vegetation in the courtyard.

“With new plants in the courtyard, the ecosystem in the courtyard will grow,” junior Ajay Nair said. “This can later be opened to the environmental science classes to explore the courtyard and learn more about it.”

With more plant life, the ecosystem and organisms in the courtyard will continue to thrive. In the future, science-related classes can benefit from this, as it can be a interactive learning experience if classes were to go out into courtyard to observe and explore.

“I like the idea of an outdoor classroom environment where kids can learn more about the ecosystem,” junior Chris Bengtson said.

Green Club focuses on finding new ways to restore the environment and make the school more eco-friendly.

Volunteering for Green Club can lead to both gaining service hours and learning valuable lessons on gardening and ways to protect the environment.

If interested in volunteering, visit room A203 or email Vick at: [email protected]