Old School

Teachers to retire after long careers


The combined number of years of service add up in the hundreds as eight teachers say their final farewells to their students.

Coach and history teacher Calvin Guillory, auto mechanics teacher Michael McDonald, world languages teacher Judy Sasaridis, math teachers Richard Stokes and Chris Douglas, computer science teacher Dave Effland, business teacher Daryll Wetzel, and founding faculty member agriculture teacher Larry Vinklarek will all depart from the classroom one final time after the final bell.

“I decided to retire because my son is moving back from California and I want to spend more time with him,” Sasaridis said. “I’ve also been teaching for a long time.”

Over the past 35 years that Sasaridis has taught, there is one moment that sticks with her the most.

“I was sitting in the desk, and the chair broke,” Sasaridis said. “I ended up doing a back walkover.”

In addition to teaching classes, these teachers spent hours doing things for their students from coaching athletes to taking students to contests and events. Sasaridis sponsored National French Honor Society and also helped her students actively prepare for AP tests.

Stokes spent the last 25 years of his 28 year teaching career at McNeil. Stokes decided to retire because he wants to try something new and relax.

“I’m going to miss the students the most,” Stokes said. “Their youthfulness has kept me younger than I am.”

For the past few years, Stokes taught only Geometry, but had taught Pre-Calculus in the past.

“I’m not going to miss staying up late to finish grading papers,” Stokes said. “Even though I am a night owl, I would rather spend my time reading a book or watching a movie.”