Alexandra Park Students To Visit McNeil

Alexandra Park, a public school located in London, England, will visit campus on April 14. During their visit, 70 Alexandra Park students will visit classrooms and experience a day of school in the US.


School planners have reached out to Student Council, Academy Ambassadors and National Honor Society members to grant them the option of hosting a student from Alexandra Park. If a student has signed up for the role as a host, they will go to their regularly scheduled classes and the student they’re hosting will accompany them throughout the school day. 


We thought it would be a great experience for our students to serve as hosts,” Associate Principal John Mark Edwards said. “[We thought it would also be great to] provide an opportunity for our students to learn about high school in England.” 


During the Alexandra Park visit, classes will continue as normal.  Alexandra Park students visiting McNeil are expected to be dressed in their athletic attire, mainly their PE clothes. Students hosting a visitor  are expected to wear clothing related to any McNeil programs they participate in. School staff members were also asked to wear any school-related attire on the day of the tour.