According to the Washington Seven Austin is likely to freeze over again in the near future, the freeze can be as soon as this Tuesday, Jan. 16. Last year over 170,00 Austin Energy customers lost power as a result of the freeze, the freeze caused 28 deaths and impacted hundreds of families. It is important to stay prepared by buying non-perishable food and water beforehand because grocery stores usually have low stock during the freeze and it can be dangerous to drive. Keep flashlights and lanterns on hand as long as they charge external batteries, candles are a good way to add light to your house when you lose power. Make sure to be cautious walking outside or driving the ice makes sidewalks and roads slippery.
“During the freeze, our power went out which meant we couldn’t open the fridge or eat anything in the fridge we just had what was in our pantry,” said McNeil student Lila Svoboda. “We also had some trees and tree branches fall over which hit our cars and broke some windows and patio furniture. The last freeze caused us to buy a generator so we won’t lose power again and now our trees are cut so hopefully they won’t cause as much damage.”