MavTheatre has announced a one-night-only musical theatre showcase show, called “Miscast.” This is the first “Miscast” show, but theatre teacher Gina Hinojosa hopes it won’t be the last.
“I’m hoping to do Miscast every year because I believe that every kid should be able to live whatever fantasy they want to live without boundaries,” Hinojosa said.
The goal of the show is to allow the musical theatre ensemble to perform songs in roles they would not usually be cast in. Hinojosa hopes it can push some students outside of their comfort zone and become more accustomed to performing in front of an audience.
“I would really like for them to take away that they can just be brave and go for whatever they want,” Hinojosa said. “Despite what standards and what the industry says, if they can sing it, why can’t they do it.”
“Miscast” will show in the PAC on Wednesday, Jan. 31 at 6 p.m. The recommended donation at the door is $5, you can find out more here.