The start of a new school year has brought new beginnings in many aspects, including the dance department. McNeil’s dance program has expanded to include the Sapphire Dancers, an alternate or “JV” type team, and includes not only director Megan Liles and assistant director Jamie Hatley, but assistant student director Laura Fretwell, a junior and member of the Majestics.
“I liked having the opportunity to help our sister team become better dancers and performers,” Fretwell said. “I was excited when our director Mrs. [Megan] Liles asked me to be involved.”
Fretwell’s duties as assistant student director include stretching the Sapphires during their class period, polishing their pieces and preparing them for performances. She hopes the team becomes closer and has fun, as well as produces good performances. Although she’s not quite sure in what direction she will help take the Sapphires yet, she is grateful for this unique opportunity to contribute to a starting legacy for the team.
For now, Fretwell has enjoyed getting to know the girls and bonding with them. She also said the smaller size of the team makes for more one-on-one time for help and improvement. But it’s not just Fretwell who is helping the Sapphires; the Sapphires are also helping her.
“This has really opened my eyes to different types of teams and helped me better understand myself as a dancer,” Fretwell said. “I’m really looking forward to this year.”