National Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

Feb. 5, students received an email going over the details of National Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. On Feb. 20 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Expect Respect, a program of SAFE (Stop Abuse For Everyone) will be hosting an event/performance regarding teen dating violence. They will be presenting a story of two teenagers transitioning from senior year to college and all of the struggles they go through along the way. Register here to sign up for the Zoom meeting. There is another meeting on Feb. 18 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. This dives into more of the specifics of teen domestic violence, as they will be going over various characters issues and details of how everything happens from both sides. 

Romantic partnerships have steadily started to bloom earlier in the lives of teenagers, even as early as the age of 12 or 13, a landmark reserved for high schoolers. Teens (and pre-teens in some instances) continue to grow vital emotional and mental maturities that put them at a disadvantage in coping with the pressures of a romantic relationship. This correlates to an increase in the number of relationships that go south. 

In February, we observe the Month of Recognition and Prevention of Teen Dating Harassment, a nationwide initiative to prevent dating abuse before it starts. In the email, it’s said that, “Kindness, emotional support, equality… dating should be fun, but intimidation, envy, and controlling behavior are part of many teenage relationships”. According to observations by experts of peer and dating relationships, kids exposed to abuse at home are at increased risk of repeating these behaviors.  After the presentation, there will be a talkback discussion with youth artist activists. If you are interested in becoming a youth artist activist, Expect Respect is hosting an internship program virtually over the summer. More information will be linked here.


Sources: mcneil master,