Explore Different Interests at Rec Wednesday

Free after school program offers opportunity to learn something new

Explore Different Interests at Rec Wednesday

As a way to provide opportunities to explore special interests that may may not be offered as a classes, Rec Wednesday is a new after school program available beginning Oct. 28. It is scheduled to be in the cafeteria from 4:20-5:30 p.m. The program will be run by volunteers and is available to all students

“We’re starting from the ground up,” Associate Principal Marie Gonzales said. “My guess is that it’s going to be a very gradual accumulation of people who are coming. It may be a word of mouth campaign.”

The school is partnering with the Effie Center and the Catalyst Teen Center, two local organizations dedicated to providing after school programs aimed to help students learn and grow. A late bus will be provided.

“The goal is to get to know our students and find out what their interests are,” Gonzales said. “Some things they have suggested are guitar lessons or sewing lessons. We want to explore what the desires are, what the interests are.”

All the details have not been established, but Rec Wednesday is a unique opportunity for students to be exposed to new and interesting skills outside of the career-based electives offered during the school day.

“I want to extend an invitation to all of our students,” Gonzales said. “If you’re not sure it’s for you, try it once and you’ll have a better idea. It’s hard to describe something so new, so come, get your feet wet. If you love it you can come back every Wednesday and spread the word.”