Ashes to Ashes

He was supposed to be quick. Food supplies were low and there was barely enough water to last them much longer than another day. He was to slip in and out of the city without detection and come back home.

Hollering voices bounced off of corridors. This wasn’t how the mission was planned out to happen. His body shook with fear as pounding of footsteps echoed throughout the otherwise desolate city. Taemin was still. Thin arms wrapped tightly around his bloodied torso as each breath he took burned wildly in his chest. His long hair was matted with blood, sticking to his dirt and sweat encrusted skin.

The other survivors, they had seen him somehow. Drifting through the shadows he thought he was safe until they found him. Thats when the shooting started.

Taemin had promised Onew he would be quick. That he would stay silent and come back in one piece, yet here he was, bleeding from his head and a gun wound in his side. The GPS system had been shattered, falling from his pocket and crashing onto the floor as he ran for his life.

Everything was fucked up now. The world had been shredded, ripped apart at the seams and no one was safe. Explosions shook the world. Blood tainted the streams and the air was always filled with the dust of burning bodies.

Nothing was alright anymore.  Taemin coughed, blood splattering onto the cold concrete where he hid, quaking in terror and the only thing that was flashing through his mind was running back to him.

I didn’t keep my promise hyung.