Who Spooked Who?

“I can’t believe my mom kicked me out like that” I thought to myself as I wandered through the woods. “How would I survive? Where would I sleep? What would I eat?” these questions kept popping into my head as the hours passed spent in the woods, I was looking for a nice tree to take a nap under when I saw a cute little house hidden in the woods, “What good luck I have!” I thought as I ran towards the house.

The front door was left unlock and after three minutes of knocking I hesitantly entered.

“Hello? Is anyone home? My name is Goldilocks, my mother kicked me out of the house and I’m just looking for a place to nap and possibly some spare food? Hello?” I called out as I walked around the house. As I continued my exploration I started to smell this rich delicious scent drifting my way from the kitchen; I followed the intoxicant fumes and found three bowls of porridge on the table. I sat down in front of the first bowl and took a hearty spoonful, only to burn my mouth on it’s heat. My hunger was too much to handle so as I gave up on the first bowl I moved to the second, taking a slightly less smaller spoonful just in case it was hot as well. Much to my approval, and disappointment, this bowl was much much colder. I almost gave up on the porridge; but then I tried some from the third bowl, and it was just right.

After eating all of the porridge from the third bowl my sleep washed over me. I went into the living room and saw three chairs in there, I went to sit on the first one but it was much too big. After wiggling my way off of it I moved over to the second chair in the room; but that one was too big as well.  As I got off of the second chair I made my way over to the third and final chair, “Ahh, this one’s just right” I murmured as I settled in, but just as I finished getting settled the chair broke into pieces.

As I picked myself off the floor I noticed a stairway leading upstairs, hoping to find some company upstairs I starting climbing up the stairs.

“Hello again, is anyone here? I’m so terribly sorry about your furniture! It hadn’t been my intentions to break it, I was just trying to find somewhere to rest.” I announced as I walked through the upstairs area. “Nobody really is home,” I thought to myself as I walked into a room, “I guess they won’t really mind me taking a quick nap then…” I convinced myself of this as I climbed into the first bed I saw; as soon as I put my head to the pillow I knew it wasn’t going to work, this bed was too hard. I huffed as I got out of the bed and moved down the hallway. The next room I went into had another bed in it, but this one was too soft. My exhaustion was beginning to turn into frustration; and just when I thought it wasn’t going to get better I noticed a smaller room at the end of the hallway. Walking into the room I saw a smaller bed in the far corner, as soon as I laid down on it I know that this bed was just right and immediately fell asleep.

I woke up to a soft rustling within the room, I still had a little sleep in my eyes so I went to rub away my sleep buggers. I looked up to where the noise was coming from only to see three huge bears in the room looking down on me with large red eyes and drooling mouths.

“HELP SOME HELP AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed as I ran out of the house, swearing to myself that I was never to go back.