Some Kind of Fairytale

I remember how it felt. The pain that was surrounding me. The loud whispers digging themselves more and more each time into my head. Everything was so loud. I wanted everything to stop for just one second to be able to think! I remember everything. Looking back, I wish I would have been able to move at the time. I felt everything around me, yet my body was completely unresponsive. I felt pain come and go but not being able to do anything. I remember falling when I was slipping in and out of consciousness. I know I saw some sort of tunnel.  It kept getting bigger and bigger, larger and longer than anything I had ever seen before.  

The sound of a scream trying to crawl out of my throat only to have it escape as a whimper. Nobody could hear me. I was sure of that. Because if they did, I probably wouldn’t be lying here in the ground with people I don’t recognize and who don’t recognize me. Creatures that look as if they belong in a folk tale meant to scare children. People, maybe even things, that seemed to be astonished by my lack of mobility. I felt poked and probed as if they were trying to find out what I was made of. I wanted to scream, to let them know who I was and have them tell me where I could go. Ask from where they all came from and why they didn’t even try to help me. I had no idea what was happening.

I was scared, confused, and probably suffering from a traumatic blow. I just wanted to stand and escape. Go home. But as my luck would have it, things would only be bound to get worse from there on out.